Eating 150g of Protein

Eating 150g of Protein

One of the hardest nutrition challenges people face in the gym is increasing their protein intake to build muscle. Studies suggest the optimum amount required is between 1.2-1.6g per kilogram of bodyweight per day, so a 200lbs (91kg) individual would require between 109-146g of protein per day. While this may sound daunting, it can be easy with proper meal planning—here’s what a day could look like to get 150g of protein without supplementing:

Breakfast: Overnight Oats, 25g protein

– ½ cup blueberries
– ½ cup quick oats
– ½ cup Joyya ultrafiltered milk
– 2 tbs peanut butter
– 2-4 tbs maple syrup or NSA syrup
– 1 tbs chia seeds

Morning Snack: 1/3 Cup of Trail Mix with a Grande Cappuccino, 15g protein

Lunch: Tuna & Salad Wrap, 38g protein

– ½ bag of Sweet Kale Salad Kit
– 1 Can of Flaked Tuna
– 1 Tortilla

Afternoon Snack: Yogurt Parfait, 20g protein

– 200g Greek Yogurt
– 1 cup mixed berries
– 25g of high protein granola (such as Kashi cereal, Nature Valley granola, etc)

Dinner: Cheesy Jalapeno Chicken (150g) with Rice, 52g protein

– Find the recipe here:

Remember, don’t get too caught up in the numbers; if you eat every 3-4 hours or 3-6 meals &
snacks/day and incorporate some form of protein into every meal, you are likely hitting your optimal
protein intake for muscle building.