RED-S (Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport)

RED-S (Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport)


RED-S can occur in both recreational and competitive athletes who either intentionally or unintentionally consume too few calories for their energy output. As a result, performance and daily functions decline leading to symptoms such as:

  • Low energy and fatigue
  • Chronic injuries and illness
  • Amenorrhea in females (this symptom can go unnoticed if on hormonal contraceptives)
  • Low libido
  • Iron deficiency and malnutrition
  • Low heart rate
  • Hair loss
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Struggling to stay warm
  • Irritability, anxiety, and/or depression

RED-S can affect any athlete regardless of age, gender, participation level, or body size, though endurance athletes and sports that favour leaner bodies are at greater risk, such as marathon runners, gymnasts, swimmers, dancers, and cyclists.

Since exercise suppresses appetite, it’s not uncommon for these athletes to miss hunger cues during long and intense training days, so pre- and post-workout nutrition, along with regular meal timing, will be essential for staying adequately fueled. A nutrition coach can be a helpful guide to ensure you are not inadvertently underestimating your caloric needs.

Other individuals may deliberately restrict food to meet the pressures of maintaining a particular body type that they believe will give them an advantage in their sport, in which case treatment with a Sports Medicine Doctor, registered dietitian, and/or therapist may be needed.

Either way, RED-S is reversible with the right support! If you notice a decline in your training, feel tired all the time, or other symptoms of RED-S, seek help from the appropriate professionals to get your performance and health back on track.