Top 3 things successful nutrition coaching clients have in common

Top 3 things successful nutrition coaching clients have in common

  1. Consistency – They’re ready to play the long, patient game to get results. They understand that progress will not always be linear and that having a bad food week doesn’t mean they’ve failed. They adapt and get back on track without worrying about perfection.
  2. Trust – Not only do my most successful clients trust the process, they also trust me and my experience. When I work with clients who need to raise their calories, it’s not an easy process. There’s a lot of fear and uncertainty, but they accept that I know it will help them in the long run. They also trust that making slow, stupidly easy changes, will be more beneficial than a quick cut or bulk.
  3. Tracking – All of my most successful clients track their food in one way or another. It doesn’t have to be calories or macros, but at least a written food journal or photo diary. It helps with accountability and provides lots of data to make the most accurate and appropriate recommendations for their diet.